Monday 4 October 2010

Crash, bang, wallop.....oh what a picture, what a picture - Dave's training blog

Old Jetta, 12 years old (or 80 something in dog years) flinched again as Ben went hurtling towards the ground. I could see him wobbling out of the corner of my eye – not surprising really as he was trying to ride the e-roller with no hands!

Blood trickled from a cut on his leg, his dodgy Flashdance headband looked like a crooked pirates’ bandana, and I can tell you he didn't look too fetching in his Lycra pants!

"OK - time for a break!" …Yes, leg break if you don't keep your hands on the bloody bike!

That was last Thursday and as part of Ben's training he has an e-roller (check it out on You Tube - most of the videos show people falling off!) It's an advanced stationary cycling system for your bike, and I can tell you it's an art to ride. For endurance Ben’s been putting in 4 hour stints, and it's boring... really boring, and he hates it! And, as he has the attention span of a goldfish, he likes to attempt party tricks! Hence he's covered in bruises and his dogs are on valium.

A possible solution to Ben's attention span!

Ben's best training sessions are always outside, fresh air, variety of scenery, mountains - and there's no better training ground than Mallorca. This week’s training is a bit of a milestone for Ben, it's going to be the toughest yet and a real gauge of where he is in his European quest to cycle 6,000km. So Wednesday night is a 75km night ride with John, followed by a 100km on Thursday which I'll join him on, then Friday and Saturday will be 200km. Four back to back rides with the last two at distances which Ben proposes to sustain for a 6-week period in April 2011.

This is a massive, massive event for Ben and a turning point in his training, a positive week and he's off and flying to the next phase. To crash and burn – well that's not even worth contemplating how tough that is mentally.

So Ben needs all the support he can to motivate and push him through the pain barrier.
Please send Ben your thoughts and wishes this week to spur him on and get him home before the dogs start to worry!

1 comment:

  1. What you like ???? You are gonna have to take more care of yourself....we need you in one piece...not several!! Good luck for the weekend...we are all thinking of you over here, and constantly talking about what you are doing, and just how inspirational you are to us all. Dave has now got himself a rather good road bike, and has been out on it loads!!! He's visiting his parents this week cause his dads had his heart op today, and he's even taken his gear with him, so he can cycle while there...thats how much of an inspiration you are!! Keep it up babes....we're all thinking of to Laura and the boys .....Shaz and the gang xxxxxxxxxxx
